刘震云的长篇小说《故乡面和花朵》泱泱二百余万言 ,这部表面看来内容荒诞不经、风格诡谲怪异的作品 ,内中却依然贯穿了作者一贯的对人生意义及价值的严肃思考这一写作传统 ,并于此集中体现为对中国知识分子文化精神的反思与追问 ;而在形式意义上 ,小说也作了一次全面的“突围?
Liu Zhenyun’s novel “Hometown and Flowers” is more than two million words. The seemingly absurd and strangely craftious work still runs through the author’s consistent sense of the meaning and value of life Reflecting on this tradition of writing, it is embodied here as a reflection and questioning of the cultural spirit of Chinese intellectuals. In the formal sense, the novel also made a comprehensive breakthrough.