金秋十月,北京什刹海体校综合训练馆接待了来自日本的阿斯莫女子乒乓球队,10天的强化训练结束之后,该队教练、前中国国手周兴江说:“虽然在北京训练时间不长,但6名队员感觉收获很大,每天与北京队的4名选手一起训练比赛,这些日本队员都说现在知道自己的发展方向了。” 在一年半之前刚刚组建的阿斯莫女子乒乓球队之所以到中国进行强化训练,在某种程度上是受了小西杏的影响。这位日本姑娘近两年一直在中国参加超级联赛,系统扎实的训练和高水平的竞争使她的球技突飞猛进,现在已脐身日本国家队主力阵容。因此,技术水平较高的日本选手如松下浩二的妻子武田明子,也加盟中国超联,而那些有经济实力的俱乐部队像十六银行、中国电力则派全队来中国进行“短期留学”。 经营汽车配件的日本阿斯莫公司,在组建女子乒乓球队一年之后,于今
Autumn October, Beijing Shichahai Sports Complex Training Hall received Asmus women’s table tennis team from Japan, 10 days of intensive training after the team coach, former Chinese national team Zhouxing Jiang said: “Although training in Beijing is not long , But six players feel great harvest every day with the Beijing team’s four players training competition, these Japanese players say now know their own direction. ”Just a year and a half ago the newly formed Asmodus women’s table tennis The reason why the team went to China for intensive training is to some extent affected by Xiaoxi apricot. The Japanese girl has been participating in the Super League in China for nearly two years. Her solid skills and high level of competition have led her team to improve by leaps and bounds. She has now played a key role in Japan’s national team. As a result, Japanese athletes with high skill level such as Takeshi Matsuda of Takeshi Matsuda, also joined China Super Alliance, while those clubs with economic strength like the 16th Bank of China and China Power sent the entire team to China for “short-term study abroad.” Asmo Motor Co., Ltd., a Japanese auto parts manufacturer, set up a women’s table tennis team a year later