赤眼鳟(♀) 草鱼(♂)及其杂交F1形态差异分析

来源 :河北渔业 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sesame_1975
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运用三种多元分析方法分析了赤眼鳟(♀)×草鱼(♂)及其杂交F1形态差异,结果表明:杂交F1的体长形、头部较尖偏向母本,眼的上部有一红色斑块来源于赤眼鳟母本。体色灰黄或灰绿色似草鱼。主成分分析共计构建了3个主成分,其方差贡献率分别为主成分1(51.6%)、主成分2(13.7%)、主成分3(12.4%)。聚类结果显示杂交F1先和赤眼鳟差异较小,而与草鱼差异较大,形态特征偏向于母本。建立了3种鱼的判别函数,其判别准确率P1为100%,准确率P2为100%。 The morphological differences of F1 hybrids between F1 and F1 hybrids were analyzed by using three kinds of multivariate analysis. The results showed that the body length of F1 hybrids was longer, the head was more pointed than the female, and there was a red plaque source in the upper part of eyes Red eye trout mother. Body color gray or gray green grass carp. The principal components analysis constructed a total of three principal components, the variance contribution rate was the main component 1 (51.6%), the main component 2 (13.7%), the main component 3 (12.4%). The clustering results showed that there was little difference between the F1 hybrids and the brown trout trout, but different from the grass carp. The morphological characteristics tended to the female parent. The discriminant function of three kinds of fish was established. The discriminant accuracy P1 was 100% and the accuracy P2 was 100%.
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