最近,俺在朋友圈里进行了一项小调查,题目是“您平时记帐吗?”结果真令俺失望,90%以上的人的感觉是懒得记帐!说起这懒得记帐的理由,各位都是振振有词,俺总结了一下,理由主要如下: 理由一:“本来收入就少,除了活期存款就是现金,买了米剩下的就买菜买油,花工夫记帐,也不会让收入多一分钱,没那必要!”俺把这条归纳为穷人的理由。 理由二:“花钱的地方太多了,哪记得清?再说买车、买房,贷款还钱的金额银行都给算好了,没必要自己再花工夫,只要自己不
Recently, I conducted a small survey in the circle of friends, entitled “Do you usually record?” The results really disappointed me, more than 90% of the people feel too lazy to record the account! I have summed up a bit, the reasons are as follows: Reason one: “Originally income is less, in addition to demand deposits is cash, buy the remaining rice to buy food to buy oil, spend time accounting, it will not Let the income more than a penny, no need! ”I put this as a reason for the poor. Two reasons: "too many places to spend money, which remember Qing? Besides the amount of money to buy a car, buy a house, loan repayments are given, no need to spend their own time, as long as they do not