对于双轴对称十字形截面轴心压杆的设计方法,GB50017—2003《钢结构设计规范》在GBJ 17—88《钢结构设计规范》基础上增加了长细比不得小于5.07b/t的规定,相关文献指出根据该设计方法设计的构件截面偏大。对长细比不得小于5.07b/t的规定进行了推导,从理论分析和有限元计算2方面得出构件设计截面偏大的原因在于该设计方法要求材料必须满足线弹性假定条件,进而分析得出了不同材料使用该设计方法时截面宽厚比需要满足的条件。最后,提出了考虑扭转屈曲时十字截面构件新的设计方法——等效设计强度设计,对比验证结果表明该方法简便、适用。
For the design method of biaxial symmetrical cross section axial strut, GB50017-2003 “Code for Design of Steel Structure” adds the stipulation of slenderness ratio not less than 5.07b / t on the basis of GBJ 17-88 “Design Code for Steel Structure” , The relevant literature points out that the design of the cross-section of the design method is too large. The reason why the slenderness ratio is not less than 5.07b / t is deduced. The reason why the design cross section is too large from the theoretical analysis and the finite element calculation is that the design method requires that the material must satisfy the linear elasticity assumption and then analyze Out of different materials when using this design method, the aspect ratio needs to be satisfied. Finally, a new design method of cross-section member considering torsional buckling is proposed, which is equivalent design strength design. The comparative verification results show that the method is simple and suitable.