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为了评估大亚湾大鹏澳海水鱼类网箱养殖对养殖区及其邻近海域(对照区)沉积环境的影响,于2001年6月—2004年10月按季度对该养殖海域进行了8个航次的调查。对所获沉积物样品的理化因子按《海洋监测规范》和《海洋调查规范海洋地质地球物理调查》规定的方法进行了分析。结果表明,养殖区和对照区沉积物类型均是黏土质粉砂,没有明显差异;养殖区沉积物含水率、有机碳和硫化物含量平均值分别为60.5%、2.82%和562mg·kg-1,均显著高于对照区的55.8%、2.42%和238mg·kg-(1P<0.05);养殖区底层海水溶解氧(DO)浓度平均值为5.25mg·L-1,显著低于对照区的6.48mg·L-(1P<0.01);养殖区沉积物有机碳、硫化物含量和底层海水DO浓度的超标率(我国适用于海水养殖水域的一类海洋沉积物质量标准和二类海水水质标准)分别为90.9%、100%和62.5%,而对照区的分别为76.2%、14.3%和20.0%;养殖区沉积物有机碳和硫化物含量有明显的季节变化,其特征为春季、夏季>秋季>冬季,而对照区的季节变化均较为稳定,差异不大;养殖区与对照区底层海水DO的季节变化特征基本相似,为冬季>春季>秋季>夏季。海水鱼类网箱养殖已对养殖区沉积环境造成了严重污染,其污染程度的季节变化与养殖生产的季节周期有密切关系。 In order to assess the impact of marine fish cage culture in Dapeng Bay, Daya Bay, on the sedimentary environment of the aquaculture area and its adjacent sea areas (control area), a total of 8 voyages to the aquaculture area were conducted on a quarterly basis from June 2001 to October 2004 survey. The physical and chemical factors of sediment samples obtained were analyzed according to the regulations of “Marine Monitoring Code” and “Marine Investigation Geophysical Survey of Marine Geology”. The results showed that the sediment types in the culture area and the control area were clay-type silt, with no significant difference. The average moisture content, organic carbon and sulfide content in the culture area were 60.5%, 2.82% and 562 mg · kg -1 , Which were significantly higher than 55.8%, 2.42% and 238 mg · kg- (1P <0.05) respectively in the control area. The average concentration of dissolved oxygen (DO) in the bottom of the culture area was 5.25 mg · L-1, 6.48mg · L- (1P <0.01). The contents of organic carbon and sulfide in the sediments and DO concentration in the bottom seawater were beyond the standard (China’s standard for quality of marine sediments and seawater for second-class seawater ) Were 90.9%, 100% and 62.5%, respectively, compared with 76.2%, 14.3% and 20.0% respectively in the control area. The contents of organic carbon and sulfide in the sediments of the culture area showed obvious seasonal changes, which were characterized by spring and summer> Autumn> winter, but the seasonal changes in the control area were stable, but the difference was not significant. The seasonal variations of DO in the bottom area of ​​the culture area and the control area were similar, which were winter> spring> autumn> summer. Seawater fish cage culture has caused serious pollution of the sedimentary environment in the aquaculture area. The seasonal variation of pollution degree is closely related to the seasonal cycle of aquaculture production.
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