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公文处理完毕后,对其中具有查考保存价值的公文,按立卷的原则、要求和方法进行分类整理,组合成一个个案卷后(除重要手迹、有艺术价值的珍贵材料、图片、照片等用袋、盒存放外),长期以来习惯的做法一般都是用线绳装订成册的。从建国以来几十年的实践经验来看,有如下好处:一是不易散失,起到保护文件不受损坏和安全保密的作用;二是便于交接时的清点和定期检查时的检点;三是便于档案部门的管理。但案卷装订后也有其弊病,特别是近年来,由于科学技术的发展,档案管理上采用现代化的手段,重要档案还进行缩微。档案利用也愈益频繁,要复印档案作为凭证、依据的日益增多,因而案卷装订带来了一些不便(要拆卷)。因此,目前档案界有人提出要改革原来装订的办法,主张今后案卷不要装订,以利于单篇文件的使用,也便于复印和缩微工作。案卷究竟要不要装订,是档案事业发展中的新情况、新问题,恐怕不能“一刀切”,至少目前如此。笔者认为,档案保存的目的是为了利用,要利用必须加以保管好。案卷的装订与不装订,也要从有利于管好、用好档案出发。从目前档案的保管和利用情 After the official documents are processed, the official documents with the value of checking and preserving the documents are sorted and sorted according to the principle, requirements and methods of the booklets, and then combined into a case file (excluding important handwriting, precious materials with artistic value, pictures, photos, etc. Bags, boxes stored outside), has long been used to practice the practice of binding into a book with a wire. From the decades of practice experience since the founding of the PRC, the following benefits are obtained: First, it is not easy to lose and has the function of protecting documents from being damaged and being kept secret; Second, checkpoints at the time of handover and periodic inspection; Third, Facilitate the management of the file department. However, the case file has its own drawbacks after being bound, especially in recent years, due to the development of science and technology, the modernization of archives management means that important files are also microfilm. File utilization is also increasingly frequent, to copy the file as a voucher, based on an increasing number of, so the file binding has brought some inconvenience (to be removed). Therefore, at present, some people in the archival field have proposed to reform the original method of binding, claiming that the archives should not be bound in the future so as to facilitate the use of a single document and to facilitate photocopying and microfilming. Whether the book should be bound or not is a new situation and a new issue in the development of the file industry. I am afraid it can not be “across the board”, at least for now. The author believes that the purpose of the preservation of the file is to use, to take advantage of the need to be kept. Binding and binding of the case file, but also from the help of good management, make good use of the file. From the current file custody and use of love
麦子熟了 由外及里 无边的田野流淌着乳香 和汗的酸味 你用生命顽强的气节 撑起农家沉甸甸的希望 麦子熟了 老友如弯弓的背影 Wheat cooked outside and boundless fields
只有在清晨,被污染的城市才会看到漫天星斗。湛蓝的天空,略带潮湿的空气,让人觉得清醒振奋。我们的车队悄悄离开热悉的西安市区,缓缓驶上往北方的国道。 很难解释我们的车队
我和妹妹是双胞胎,姐姐长我们12岁。父亲在我和妹妹5岁那年就去世了,妈妈为了维持一家人的生活日夜操劳,姐姐就承担起了照看我和妹妹的任务。 My sister and I are twins,
外折法凡一纸双面都有内容,而它的宽度超过十九公分,长度超过廿六点五公分,不能进行剪裁的材料,可以采取外折法,使其长、宽符合规定的要求。具体操作顺序如下: 第一种是宽度