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纵观祖国医学的发展历史,不难发现,中医学先后在汉代、唐代和明代出现过三次发展高潮,尤其在盛唐时期,随着社会物质财富的充裕,人们在包括医药学在内的文化领域中投入了很大的精力,涌现出许许多多的宏篇巨著,就中医学而言,当推王冰编次的《黄帝内经素问》、药王孙思邈编撰的《备急千金要方》、《千金翼方》(以下合称《千金方》),两书共载验方6500余首,可谓集隋唐以前方药学研究之大成,颇有深入研究、系统开发的 Looking at the history of the development of the motherland medicine, it is not difficult to find that Chinese medicine has experienced three development climaxes in the Han Dynasty, the Tang Dynasty and the Ming Dynasty. Especially during the Tang Dynasty, with the abundant material wealth of the society, people included medicine. In the field of culture, great efforts have been devoted to the emergence of numerous macro masterpieces. In the case of traditional Chinese medicine, when “Wang Di Nei Jing Su Wen” by Wang Baobing and Yao Wang’s “The Emergency Preparedness” were compiled Fang Fang and Qianjin Yifang (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Qian Jin Fang”). The two books contain more than 6,500 prescriptions. It can be described as the great achievement of pharmaceutical research at the front of the Sui and Tang dynasties. It has in-depth research and systematic development.