广告行业是人的左脑和右脑“相遇”的地方。创意往往更加主观,而财务则偏向黑白分明的客观。两条定律应该在彼此理解的基础上通力合作,交叉进行。更好地理解了这点之后,广告人才能创造出有价值的广告活动,把优秀的创意跟完美的财务结合起来。别固步自封!试着从业务的方方面面尽你所能地获取知识和经验。这会帮助你理解自己和同事们在业务中遇到的各种不同挑战。或许你还不能全然理解一个创意人的思维方式,但这并不妨碍你成长为一个优秀的沟通专家,培养起迅速构建理想人际关系的重要能力。——Johann Xavier
The advertising industry is where people’s left and right brain “meet”. Ideas tend to be more subjective, while finances tend to be black-and-white objective. The two laws should work together and cross each other on the basis of mutual understanding. To better understand this point, advertisers can create valuable advertising campaigns that combine great ideas with perfect finances. Do not stand still! Try to do everything you can to gain knowledge and experience from every aspect of your business. This will help you understand the different challenges that you and your colleagues encounter in your business. Perhaps you still can not fully understand a creative way of thinking, but this does not prevent you from growing up to be a good communication expert, cultivating the ability to quickly build an ideal relationship. --Johann Xavier