余永铭同志:(余永铭同志系本刊安徽读者,原信略。) 接读来信,你立志要发愤学好中医,但又感到难以深入下去。根据你的情况,已自学中医七年,掌握了中医基础理论,并能运用辨证论治处理农村中的常见病、多发病,尝到了学中医的甜头。这说明你已取得很大的成绩。你提出如何继续深入下去?这问题很有意义,现提出自己粗浅的看法,以供参考。
Comrade Yuyong Yu: (Comrade Yu Yongming is an author of this magazine in Anhui, the original letter slightly.) Read the letter, you determined to send anger to learn Chinese medicine, but felt difficult to go deep. According to your situation, we have studied Chinese medicine for seven years, mastered the basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine, and used the treatment of syndrome differentiation to treat the common diseases and frequently-occurring diseases in rural areas. This shows that you have made great achievements. How can you suggest how to proceed further? This question is very significant. I hereby put forward my own superficial views for reference.