广州军区421医院“南医-09”医院船 是目前我军唯一一艘列编的现役医院船,是 我军唯一一艘在国际红十字协会注册的医院 船,也是我军唯一一艘编配有女水手的船舶, 主要担负战时海上战役编队的伴随、划区卫 勤保障、海上伤员的早期救治和部分专科救 治及后送任务。自1991年3月正式列编服役 14年来,全体医疗队员先后出海60余次,为 南沙、西沙驻守岛礁官兵医疗巡诊、送医送 药航行4.8万多海里,诊治伤病员5000多人 次,被部队官兵誉为“海上的白衣天使”。 近日,这艘船上的我国第一代女水兵接 受笔者独家专访,并首次披露为“神舟”飞 船进行海上救护时发生的鲜为人知的故事。
421 Hospital of Guangzhou Military Region “Nan Yi-09” hospital ship is the only one currently listed in our hospital active hospital ship, is our only hospital registered in the International Federation of Red Cross Hospital ship, but also the only one Ship with female sailors ship, mainly responsible for the formation of the warships accompanied by the sea battle, zoning security services, the early treatment of marine casualties and some specialist treatment and evacuation tasks. Since its official entry into service in March 1991, all medical team members have visited the sea more than 60 times for the medical inspection of officers and soldiers of the island reefs in Nansha and Xisha. More than 48,000 nautical miles have been sent to hospitals for treatment and treatment, and more than 5,000 have been diagnosed and treated The number of passengers by military officers and soldiers as “the white angel on the sea.” Recently, China’s first generation of female sailors on this ship received an exclusive interview with the author and disclosed for the first time a little-known story of the “Shenzhou” spacecraft carrying out rescue at sea.