
来源 :经济视角·下半月 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gkhy0907
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改革开放以来,对外贸易和引进外资对我国经济增长的贡献不断增大。但是,我国在对外开放,参与国际经济技术合作的过程中,国民财富流失的问题也在不断加剧。我国必须高度警惕在商品进出口、技术和知识产权贸易和引进外资领域的国民财富流失现象,并采取相应对策改变在国际价值链分工中所处的不利地位。 Since the reform and opening up, the contribution of foreign trade and the introduction of foreign investment to China’s economic growth has been constantly increasing. However, in the course of opening up to the outside world and participating in international economic and technological cooperation, the issue of the loss of national wealth is also getting worse. Our country must be highly vigilant in the loss of national wealth in the areas of import and export of goods, trade in technology and intellectual property and the introduction of foreign investment, and take corresponding measures to change the unfavorable position in the division of labor in the international value chain.