由于地处低纬度下扬子碳酸盐缓坡台地较深水区 ,安徽巢湖地区的下三叠统由一系列泥、灰岩旋回层组成 ,并含有丰富的菊石化石。通过对巢北平顶山和马家山一带上二叠统顶部和下三叠统多条剖面的系统研究 ,建立了在华南乃至低纬度特提斯地区具有代表性的、以属级分类单位为基础的下三叠统菊石生物地层序列 (从下而上 ) :Ophiceras Lytophiceras带、Gyronites Prionolobus带、Flemingites Euflemingites带、Anasibirites带、Columbites Tirolites带和Subcolumbites带。在提议的全球印度阶 奥伦尼克阶界线层型候选剖面———巢湖平顶山西坡剖面上 ,Flemingites Euflemingites带之底与牙形石Neospathoduswaageni首现点比较接近 ,可以作为本界线主要辅助标志之一。记述采自该区上二叠统顶部及下三叠统 ,尤其是印度阶 奥伦尼克阶界线附近的一些具有年代地层意义的菊石化石资料 ,以供该界线层型确定和选择参考
The lower Triassic in the Chaohu area of Anhui Province consists of a series of mudstone and limestone cyclones and is rich in ammonite fossils because of the deeper water of the Yangtze Carbonate gentle slope platform located at low latitudes. Based on systematic studies on the top and lower Triassic sections of the Permian in the areas of Pingdingshan and Majiashan in the area of Neihu, a representative system of taxonomic units based on taxonomic units Lower Triassic ammonic biostratigraphic sequences (bottom-up): Ophiceras Lytophiceras, Gyronites Prionolobus, Flemingites Euflemingites, Anasibirites, Columbites Tirolites and Subcolumbites. On the proposed Olanique boundary layer stratigraphic candidate profile of the global Indo-China Stage, the bottom of the Flemingites Euflemingites zone is close to the first spot of the Neospathoduswaageni conodont, which can serve as one of the main auxiliary indicators of the boundary line . Describe some dating data dating from the top of the Upper Permian and the Lower Triassic, especially the Indian Oranginic boundary, for the identification and selection of the boundary stratigraphy