Short-Term Influence of Herbicide Quinclorac on Enzyme Activities in Flooded Paddy Soils

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The influence of quinclorac (3,7-dichloroquinoline-8-carboxylic acid) on enzyme activities in flooded paddy soils was assessed under laboratory conditions. The enzymes differed markedly in their response to quinclorac. Quinclorac inhibited proteinase, hydrogen peroxidase, phosphorylase, and urease activities. The higher the concentration of quinclorac applied, the more significant the inhibition to these observed activities with a longer time required to recover to the level of the control. However, soils supplemented with quinclorac were nonpersistent for proteinase, phosphorylase and urease as opposed to soils without The influence of quinclorac (3,7-dichloroquinoline-8-carboxylic acid) on enzyme activities in flooded paddy soils was assessed under laboratory conditions. The enzymes differed markedly in their response to quinclorac. Quinclorac inhibited proteinase, hydrogen peroxidase, phosphorylase, and urease the higher the concentration of quinclorac applied, the more significant the inhibition to these observed activities with a longer time required to recover to the level of the control. However, the more significant the inhibition to these observed activities with a longer time required to recover to the level of the control. However, so more supplemental with quinclorac were nonpersistent for proteinase, phosphorylase and urease as opposed to soils without
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