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小学语文教学的有效开展对促进小学生语文能力的发展具有不可忽视的作用,但是现阶段小学语文教学的实效性发挥有许多不尽如人意的地方,因此,以小学语文教学有效开展的实施措施为视角,对相关问题展开研究,希望通过研究能够更好地促进小学语文教学的开展。 The effective development of primary language teaching can not neglect the development of pupils’language ability. However, the actual effectiveness of primary language teaching at this stage has many unsatisfactory aspects. Therefore, the effective measures implemented in primary language teaching are From the perspective of research on related issues, I hope through research can better promote the development of primary language teaching.
茅经典现在还是山东师范大学的学生,她很理解世界知名大学喜欢招收有运动员背景学生的原因。优秀运动员对事情的执着程度高,做事情能坚持到底,这种精神有人归结为好胜,毛同学认为其实更是在跟自己去争,是在战胜自己。  她回忆刚开始打球,教练就说,你可以去跟别人去比,那没关系,但是你最终要做的是要战胜你自己,你战胜自己了,你就战胜了你的对手。“小的时候还不太明白,慢慢长大以后,发现真的就是这样,你的惰性、你的