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词汇是语言的三大要素之一,是语言的建筑材料。如果把语言比作一幢大厦的话,那么语法就是大厦的钢筋框架,而词汇就是建造这幢大厦的砖块。因此,学习英语时,要注重自己的词汇积累。只有通过了词汇这一关,才能够把英语学好。自2004年以来,江苏实施新课改,课改要求学生学会使用1500~1600个单词和200~300个习惯用语或固定搭配,每一个单元最少也要50个单 Vocabulary is one of the three major elements of language and is the language of building materials. If the language is likened to a building, then the grammar is the steel frame of the building, and the vocabulary is the brick building the building. Therefore, learning English, we must focus on their own vocabulary accumulation. Only through the vocabulary of this level, can we learn English well. Since 2004, the implementation of the new curriculum reform in Jiangsu, curriculum reform requires students to learn to use 1500 to 1600 words and 200 to 300 idioms or fixed with each unit at least 50 single
目的 为了避免上斜肌断腱术引起的上斜肌麻痹,手术不能定量,术后发生过矫,及因断端丢失造成再次手术困难等缺点,行改良的上斜肌腱缝线延长术,即能减弱上斜肌的作用,又能达到部分、定量及可逆的上斜肌减弱效果.方法颞上象限打开球结膜及Tenon氏囊,暴露鼻上象限术野,暴露上斜肌肌腱,用小斜视钩沿上直肌腱走行方向,向后轻轻钩起白色的上斜肌肌腱,分离肌鞘,用两根非吸收线,分别在肌腱上缝两根预置缝线,相距约4mm