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1罗茜是因为逃婚才去的省城。走的那天,她费了很大的劲才把丑娃塞进小小的行囊里,一步三回头,依依不舍地离开小镇。说好了青萍来接她,可是下了火车,连她的影子都没有看到。正等得心焦,一辆铃木摩托“嗖”的一声停在她面前,车上的人一只腿支在地上,并不下车,眯着眼睛打量她,嘴角上扬,扯出一丝笑容。罗茜慌慌地往后退,这是一个帅得令人窒息的男人,小镇上也有,只是那些都是阳光的规矩的好男孩,就算是坏男孩,至多也就光着个膀子在街上横 1 Rosie was the provincial capital for her escape from marriage. The day she walked, she spent a lot of effort before the ugly dolls into the little bag, step by step back, reluctantly left the town. Green Ping to pick her up, but under the train, and even her shadow did not see. Is waiting so anxiously, a Suzuki motorcycle “wind ” stopped in front of her, one leg in the car on the ground, did not get off, looking at her with a narrowing of his mouth, mouth up, a smile. Rosie panicked back, this is a handsome man suffocating, there are small town, but those who are the rules of the sun good boy, even if it is a bad boy, at most, it would be bare on the street horizontal
在声乐教学中,教师要重视学生情感的抒发,因为情感是左右发声的重要因素,只有适度而有效地控制自己,又能用真挚情感去打动他人的演唱者才是听众喜爱的。 In vocal music tea