Ronnie Goodman是一名五十多岁的流浪汉,他曾经坐过牢、流过浪,甚至时刻与死亡做斗争。然而服刑出狱后,Ronnie不曾放弃对美好生活的追求,他开始打工、参加社区学校的美术课程,还有跑步。2014年,他成为旧金山马拉松比赛最意想不到的参赛者。
When I’m running I feel like I’m not there, I feel like I am somewhere else.
On my run for maybe two hours, I’m a free person.
When people see me as a runner, they don’t look at me as a person that is homeless.
Nothing can be worse than what I’ve been through. I feel like I’ve been to hell and back maybe four times. It was a battle, was a very long long battle.
When I was in prison I always dream about feeling① the wind and looking at the stars, feeling the beauty of life.
I just say, I need to learn how to make this life work.
My running goes hand-in-hand with who I am. It makes everything feel at peace. I really don’t want too much. I just want to be healthy. I just enjoy this moment right here, everyone wants that.
When I’m running I feel like I’m not there, I feel like I am somewhere else.
On my run for maybe two hours, I’m a free person.
When people see me as a runner, they don’t look at me as a person that is homeless.
Nothing can be worse than what I’ve been through. I feel like I’ve been to hell and back maybe four times. It was a battle, was a very long long battle.
When I was in prison I always dream about feeling① the wind and looking at the stars, feeling the beauty of life.
I just say, I need to learn how to make this life work.
My running goes hand-in-hand with who I am. It makes everything feel at peace. I really don’t want too much. I just want to be healthy. I just enjoy this moment right here, everyone wants that.