陈其美是辛亥革命时期著名的社会革命活动家,他全身心地投入了孙中山先生领导的资产阶级革命,是我们研究辛亥革命史不可缺少的重要人物。天津教育出版社新近出版的《陈其美传论》,比较全面、深入地传述了陈其美一生40年中,为了呼唤民主、科学,建立民主共和国,同封建统治王朝、袁世凯独裁统治进行殊死搏斗,最后被害的愈仆愈奋的一生。该书主要介绍了他如下几个方面: 一、具有强烈的爱国主义思想。要求摆脱帝国主义、封建主义的双重压迫,是中国近代爱国主义的主旋律。陈其美早年即萌发了救亡求存的爱国主义思想,特别是他到日本留学参加了同盟会后,其救亡图强的爱国主义思想表现得更强烈。他提出了要使中国强盛起来,必须发展实业、发展资本主义的民族经济的观点。还亲自设计了发展湖州经济的方案。
Chen Qimei was a famous social revolutionary activist during the 1911 Revolution. He devoted himself entirely to the bourgeois revolution led by Dr. Sun Yat-sen and was an indispensable figure in our study of the 1911 Revolution. Chen Qimei’s Biography of Chen Qimei, recently published by Tianjin Education Press, made a comprehensive and in-depth description of Chen Qimei’s death for 40 years in order to call for democracy and science, establish a democratic republic, and die hard with the feudal dynastic and Yuan Shikai dictatorships The more the more the more excited life. The book mainly introduces him in the following aspects: First, with strong patriotism. To demand that we get rid of the dual oppression of imperialism and feudalism is the main theme of modern Chinese patriotism. In the early years of his life, Chen Qi-mei developed the idea of patriotism that saved the nation and save the nation. In particular, after he went to study in Japan and joined the League, his patriotic thinking of saving and losing one country was stronger. He put forward the view that to make China prosperous, we must develop industry and develop the capitalist national economy. Hu also designed the economic development of the program.