Different loose callus lines from the same genotype of T. brasiliensis may have different potential for embryogenesis and regeneration, but they are difficult to distinguish from appearance. In order to reveal the differences between different callus lines, we conducted a comparative tissue and molecular study on five callus lines with different potential of embryogenesis and regeneration. In the experiment, we used differential display (DD-RT) to analyze differentially expressed genes during induction. A total of 28 differentially expressed cDNAs were identified during embryogenic regenerative callus induction (ER). In addition, it was also found that embryonic nodules (embryogenic nodules) were formed earlier in the ER line than in the embryogenic non regenerative callus (ENR) and not in the embryogenic callus (NE) Formation of embryonic nodules. Five of the above 28 cDNAs were used to induce previously differentiated callus lines with different embryogenic potential, allowing early judgment of the embryogenic potential of Loose Rubber Callus.