在亚洲田坛上,乌莎的声名显赫。1982年,年仅18岁的乌莎代表印度参加了新德里举行的第九届亚运会,这位初出茅庐的姑娘夺取了100米和200米两枚银牌。从此,她那富于传奇色彩的运动生涯开始了。 1983年,乌莎在第五届亚洲田径锦标赛上夺取了400米跑金牌。一年后,乌莎4破400米栏亚洲纪录。 1985年,乌莎独得第六届亚洲锦标赛5枚金牌。1986年,乌莎在汉城亚运会再得4金1银。这时期的乌莎,真正是所向无敌,战无不胜。然而在本届亚运会上,毫无名气的中国姑娘韩青在女子200米比赛中把乌莎远远地甩在后面。接着,在400米、4×400米接力、4×100米接力项目上,乌莎又连续败北,并被迫放弃了100米、400米栏两项比赛。
Ursula is famous in the Asian altar. In 1982, Uza, 18, represented India at the Ninth Asian Games held in New Delhi. The fledgling girl won two silver medals, 100 meters and 200 meters. Since then, her legendary sports career began. In 1983, Usha won the 400m run gold medal at the Fifth Asian Athletics Championships. A year later, Usha 4 broke 400m hurdles Asian record. In 1985, Usha won the gold medal in the sixth Asian Championships. In 1986, Ursa won four gold and one silver in the Seoul Asian Games. Usha during this period, is invincible, invincible. However, in this Asian Games, the infamous Chinese girl Han Qing Wusha in the women’s 200 meters race left behind. Then, on the 400-meter, 4-by-400-meter relay and 4-by-100-meter relay projects, Ursa lost again and was forced to give up two races of 100 meters and 400 meters.