一、肾功能判定指标(实验法) 1.尿量测定 插入Foley气囊导管,测定时间尿量,若为0.5ml/kg/hr以下进行后述处置。 2.测定血压 收缩压80mmHg以下,为肾小球滤过低下(CFR),形成少尿或无尿,应考虑并治疗①血容量减少和休克;②急牲心功不全;③低钠血症;④低蛋白血症;⑤酸中毒。 3.探讨病因及病情经过 (1)机能性肾功不全 主要由于循环功能不全出现的休克、大量出血、肠梗阻、呕吐、低蛋白症等,考虑为血容量不足,此外。还要注意肾动脉栓塞和夹层大动脉瘤破裂等。
First, the determination of renal function indicators (experimental method) 1. Determination of urine volume Insert Foley balloon catheter, measuring the time of urine output, if less than 0.5ml / kg / hr for the following treatment. 2. Determination of blood pressure systolic blood pressure 80mmHg the following, as glomerular filtration rate (CFR), the formation of oliguria or anuria, should be considered and treated ① hypovolemia and shock; acute myocardial injury; ③ hyponatremia ; ④ hypoproteinemia; ⑤ acidosis. 3. To explore the etiology and disease after (1) functional renal insufficiency mainly due to circulatory dysfunction, shock, massive bleeding, intestinal obstruction, vomiting, hypoalbuminemia, consider insufficient blood volume, in addition. Also note that renal artery embolism and dissection and other large aneurysm rupture.