新编《世界近代现代史》(上册)第52页《1792—1795年的法国》图中,将意大利的萨伏伊和尼斯作为自1792年后并法地区,而第138页《意大利统一》图中,又提出萨伏伊和尼斯1860年让与法国。学生在学习时提出疑问,究竟是怎么回事,是不是有矛盾?其实不然。教师在教学中应充分钻研教材和有关资料,给学生讲清两地区两次并法的来龙去脉,从而使学生对有关历史事件有个整体的认识。 “热月政变”后的1795年11月,法国组成了督
New World Modern and Contemporary Modern History (Volume 2) “France in 1792-1995” on page 52 In the picture, Savoy and Nice of Italy are regarded as the areas of law and jurisdiction since 1792, while the “Unification of Italy” In the figure, Savoy and Nice were again proposed to Jean Francois in 1860. Students ask questions when learning, what is going on, is there any contradiction? In actual fact. Teachers should thoroughly study teaching materials and relevant materials in teaching and clarify the ins and outs of the two laws in both regions so as to enable students to have an overall understanding of historical events. In November 1795, after the “hot month coup”, France formed the Governor