1 各商业银行应完善授权授信制度 ,创造票据市场的发展空间。通过转授权适当扩大可签发银行承兑汇票分支机构的数量及承兑限额 ;改善对银行承兑的管理 ,不要为了片面防范风险而对基层行一刀切 ,对管理好、有基础的基层行或优秀客户可以适当扩大票据承兑、贴现授信额度 ;对基层
1 All commercial banks should improve the authorization and credit system and create a space for development of the bill market. The number of branches and acceptance limits of bank acceptance branches should be appropriately expanded through the delegation of authority; the management of bank acceptance should be improved. Do not apply the grass-roots level to one-sided prevention of risks and the management of well-established grassroots banks or excellent clients Broaden the acceptance of bills, discounted credit lines; on the grassroots level