Temperature Control of Bench-Scaled Batch Reactor Equipped with a Mono-fluid Heating/Cooling System

来源 :Journal of Thermal Science | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fc2sql
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An advanced control concept,Predictive Functional Control(PFC),is applied for temperature control of a bench-scaled batch reactor equipped with monofluid heating/cooling system.First principles process models are developed.Based on achieved models,significant process variables,which are difficult or impossible to measure online,are estimated from easily measured variables,and cascade PFC control strategy has been projected and implemented in Matlab R14.The dynamics of individual subunits is explicitly taken into consideration by internal model in the control algorithms,and model uncertainty,various process disturbances are compensated by modification of internal model.The experimental results present an excellent capability of tracking the set point,and the success of PFC technique as a process control paradigm is illustratively demonstrated. An advanced control concept, Predictive Functional Control (PFC), is applied for temperature control of a bench-scaled batch reactor equipped with monofluid heating / cooling system. First principles processes models are developed on significant processes variables, which are difficult or impossible to measure online, are estimated from easily measured variables, and cascade PFC control strategy has been incorporated and implemented in Matlab R14. Dynamics of individual subunits is sought taken into consideration by internal model in the control algorithms, and model uncertainty, various process disturbances are compensated by modification of internal model. the experimental results present an excellent capability of tracking the set point, and the success of PFC technique as a process control paradigm is illustratively demonstrated.
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用心,具有一种情理性。用,虽是动作,但却发乎情;心,是意向,止于理。因此,用心,既是一种有理性的情感,又是一种有情感的理性。教育,既需要情感的投入,又需要理性的智慧。因此,教育,只有用心才能做好。  北京市第八中学的赵鑫老师正是这样一位用心做教育的教育人,无论是教育“问题”学生,还是探索语文教育的本质,亦或是推进学校课程建设,他都以饱满的热情投入,用教育的智慧把事情做好。  用心,不让一个孩子掉队
【摘要】白南准在影像艺术史上被称为“影像艺术之父”,在20世纪60至80年代进行了大量的影像艺术实验,开拓了影像艺术的新领域,创造了适应电子和全球通讯时代的新的审美范式。本文主要论述了关于白南准早期艺术生涯的重要问题——探讨他从音乐家和作曲人转向影像艺术的过程以及激浪派这个群体对他的影响,这些都是他能成为一名影像艺术拓荒者的关键铺垫。  【关键词】激浪派;白南准;行动音乐表演;转型  白南准(Na