Clinical Observation of Tiaojining Recipe (调激宁冲剂) in Combination with Corticosterone in Infantile Pr

来源 :Chinese Journal of Integrated Traditional and Western Medici | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyfall533
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To investigate the effects of Tiaojining recipe(TJNR) combined with corticosterone(CS) in treating infantile primary nephrotic syndrome(IPNS). Methods: Sixty inpatients with IPNS were divided into two groups, which consisted of 30 cases using TJNR combined with CS and 30 cases of control group were treated by CS alone for 8 weeks. The changes of urinary protein, platelet, serum albumin, blood cholesterol and blood pressure before and after treatment were observed. Results: The total effective rate of treated group was significantly higher than that of control group(P<0.01). The times for urinary protein disappearance of treated group was significantly shorter than that of control group(P<0.05). Compared with the control group, TJNR could prevent hypertension, lower hyperlipidemia and elevated platelets (P<0.01). Conclusion:TJNR could enhance the curative effects of CS on IPNS and reduce the side effects of CS, this treatment was safe and effective for IPNS. Method: Sixty inpatients with IPNS were divided into two groups, which consisted of 30 cases using TJNR combined with CS and 30 Cases of control group were treated by CS alone for 8 weeks. The changes of urinary protein, platelet, serum albumin, blood cholesterol and blood pressure before and after treatment were observed. Results: The total effective rate of treated group was significantly higher than that Compared with the control group, TJNR could prevent hypertension, lower hyperlipidemia and elevated platelets (P<0.01). <0.01). Conclusion: TJNR could enhance the curative effects of CS on IPNS and reduce the side effects of CS, this treatment was safe and effective for IPNS.
美国纽约大学医学院和国家卫生研究所的研究人员近日在孕妇的尿液、眼泪和唾液中发现有抗艾滋病毒物质。 最新一期《全国科学院学报》发表文章介绍了这一发现。研究人员说.这
小儿参芪冲剂是我院依据传统中医扶正理论研制的自制制剂 ,可用于小儿呼吸道感染 ,心肌炎及风湿病等 ,经过四年多的临床应用表明 ,口感适宜 ,服用方便 ,疗效显著且无毒副作用
1 临床资料  本组 2 1例 ,男 12例 ,女 9例 ,年龄 12~ 5 7岁 ,平均 2 8岁。 2 1例中属粘连性肠梗阻 9例 ,蛔虫性肠梗阻 5例 ,麻痹性肠梗阻 4例 ,肠扭转 2例 ,肠套叠 1例。
山茶吐艳山茶花原产于我国 ,是栽培历史悠久的名贵花卉 ,品种很多 ,有单瓣、重瓣 ,冬春开花颜色红、白不一 ,尤以大红茶花在国际上享有盛誉 ,为古今识者所赞赏。唐代司空图在
本刊第4期刊登了我写的《偏方治好肾炎》后,接 到全国各地读者电话、来信咨询。现统一口答如下: 1.黄米不是小米,而是比小米稍大,经常用于包粽 子使用的黏性较大的米。 2.黄米煮粥要自