当前杂交稻种子的供求存在一系列问题,丰年种子供过于求,歉年种子供不应求,而贮藏条件又跟不上,一般仓库贮藏的种子发芽率降低,虫害也较严重,这些都直接影响杂交稻的正常发展。为此,荆门市利用江汉平原农业开发资金68万元,自筹资金23万元建起一座库容为302m~2的低温低湿库。1991年6月投入使用,7月开机制冷。贮种期间定期对库内14个点的温度、水分、发芽率进行测试,结果如表1。 1、温度 普通库7~9月库温保持在30℃左右,而低温库在开机一个星期左右库温降至10~16℃,
Current hybrid rice seed supply and demand there are a series of problems, the abundance of seeds oversupply, lack of supply of seeds in the year of apologies, and storage conditions can not keep up, the general storage of seeds stored in germination rate is reduced, pests are more serious, which directly affect the normal hybrid rice development of. To this end, Jingmen City, Jianghan Plain Agricultural Development Fund 680,000 yuan, self-financing 230,000 yuan to build a storage capacity of 302m ~ 2 low-temperature low-humidity warehouse. Put into use in June 1991, July boot cooling. During storage, the temperature, moisture and germination rate of 14 points in the store were tested periodically. The results are shown in Table 1. 1, the temperature of ordinary library 7 ~ 9 month library temperature remained at about 30 ℃, while the low temperature library in the boot a week or so the library temperature dropped to 10 ~ 16 ℃,