English Education Transition:From Primary School to Secondary School(Grade 6 to Grade 7)

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  Abstract:Although the primary and secondary school education has made great progress in our country, there are some problems and deficiencies. The disconnection between primary school and secondary school has been aroused the attention from society’s all fields, but the problem are difficult to solve. Solving this problem will be useful to the orientation or harmony of teachers’ teaching and students’ leaning, which will be useful to the transition from primary to secondary school.
  Key words: Primary and secondary school; English; Teaching and learning; Transition.
  We are living in a world which is filled with the atmosphere of informatization and globalization. The place of English proves to be more and more important in the modern society. English education of Primary and secondary school as the basic stage should be given more attention. Based on the importance of English, more attention is given to the English basic education and the transition from primary school to secondary school.
  Ⅰ.The definition of education transition
  Transition means the connection between the beginning and the ending (Modern Chinese Dictionary,2002). Yanxueyi once referred that: Transition is the mutual connection of all kinds of learning system in education system. GanWei’s comprehension of education transition is: all levels of education keep their independence and guarantee their continuity and systematicity. Macro education transition can be classified according to the steps at different levels in education. Micro education transition can be divided in accordance with the content or the composition in every transition stage.In this paper, transition mainly focuses on education, that is, education transition.
  Ⅱ.The problem of English education transition
  Here, two aspects will be discussed, that is, the transition of teaching content, the transition of of teaching strategies.
  2.1 The transition of teaching content
  Teaching contents include curriculum standards,teaching materials and curriculum. Teaching contents are formulated according to teaching aims. The transition of teaching content from primary school to secondary school is not just the transition of teaching materials, more connotation and extension are also included. According to the Curriculum Standard, the teaching contents of primary school are mainly focus on listening and speaking. However, in the secondary school, listening,speaking, reading and writing abilities are required to develop. It is not easy for students to adapt to this kind of teaching contents. So providing students some transitional teaching contents are necessary, which will be useful for them to do some preparations.   2.2The transition of of teaching strategies
  Teaching strategies are measures taken to accomplish teaching tasks and realize teaching aims for teachers and students. The implementation of teaching strategies aims to realize teaching aims, at the same time , it is restricted by certain teaching contents. In primary school,students are the center of the class. Students learn English in a more relaxed atmosphere and teachers would pay attention to the needs and interests of students. In Contrast, in secondary school, teachers become the center, the controller and the organizer of the class. Teachers play the role of pushing students to learn English so as to teach against time to complete the teaching contents and to prepare for the Junior high school entrance examination. Students are unwilling to fit into this kind of teaching style and always feel stressed. Teachers should show concern to students’ needs and interests to make changes of their teaching strategies
  Ⅲ.Suggestions for English education transition
  The following are the suggestions for the problem in aspect of teachers, parents and students.
  As students transit from primary school to secondary school, teachers should not give too much pressure on students. Teachers ought to get familiar with their students and find out the best teaching method that fit with their students. according to students’ abilities and levels.
  Parents should not lay high expectations or burden on their children. Parents also can strengthen the contact with the school and teachers. Parents can require schools or teachers to set up Wechat groups to communicate in time in order to grasp their children’s condition in schools.
  Students should try their best to be familiar with the bigger, new school as soon as possible. They also have to make new friends. It is necessary for students to find out suitable learning strategies to make effective learning.
  The transition from primary school to secondary school has arisen for a certain time, but it is hard to solve this problem instantly. The transition process occupies an essential role in the English education so more measures should be taken to change and improve this situation. What’s more important is that cooperation between different fields should strengthen to make the basic English education develop in a better direction.
  [1]H.Douglas Brown. Teaching by Principles:An Interactive Approach to Language Pedagogy.Beijing:Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press.2011.
摘要:小学阶段是教育的开端,同时也是教育的最关键时期,学生在这一时期所受到的教育是未来学习、成长的重要基础。因此,在小学思想品德课堂中,为培养学生正确的人生观、价值观,要将中华传统文化渗透其中,引导学生形成高尚的道德品质,积极健康的成长。基于此,本文就中华传统文化在小学思想品德课堂中的渗透展开研究。  关键词:中华传统文化;小学思想品德课堂;渗透  随着教育改革的深入,在小学阶段的教学中,教师要将
摘要:幼儿园体育活动是幼儿认识自我,探索、体验和认识外部环境的重要方式,有益于幼儿的心理健康,能促进幼儿身体、心理等各方面的发展。但在体能活动的组织与实践中,我们也能看到教师在组织实施和指导中仍会忽视一些关键性的问题,这些问题的产生直接影响到幼儿体能活动的效果和质量。  关键词:幼儿;体能;材料  幼儿园体育活动对幼儿健康及相关方面的促进不是一蹴而就的,幼儿体质与体能的发展及相关领域教育目标的达成
内容提要:小学数学教师,必须适应教育发展的潮流,努力通过各种方式,特别是教学实践来提升自身的教育素养,基于个人的教育教学实践经验,以及对课标和课改大纲的学习领会,对小学数学教师教学能力提升的方事、途径问题有所感悟。  關键词:小学;数学;能力;提升  一、参加专业培训  教师通过业务培训部门举办的各种教学培训,更新教育理念,改良教学方法,从原本单纯的“灌输式”的“教”,变成与学生互动,教学相长;认
新一轮课程改革倡导评价目标多元化,评级方法多样化,通过评价使学生的自尊心、自信心得到保护,使学生在学习中能树立健康合理的情感、态度、价值观,激发学生的创新意识和创新能力。近几年,我校在新课改理念的指导下,对学生的评价进行了全面改革,“以人为本、立足过程、促进发展”为理念,挖掘学生的潜能,张扬学生的个性,培养学生的创新精神和创新能力,帮助学生认识自我,建立自信,成为一个堂堂正正的“人”!  多元化的
有效的课堂教学是通过课堂教学活动,让学生在认知和情感上均有所发展。从事小学数学教学的过程中,对于其有效性有以下几点思考:  一、重视情境创设充分调动学生有效的学习情感  构建良好的师生关系,调动有效的学习情感,对于维持学生的学习兴趣和注意力至关重要。调动有效的学习情感,既能培养学生的学习信心,调动其学习的主动性,又能切实提高课堂教学的有效性。  在情境创设中,应注意以下几点:  1、情境创设应目的
音乐新课程强调在情境中展开教学活动,在活动中推进教学,而教学情境的创设是教师的一项常规教学工作,创设有价值的教学情境则是教学改革的重要追求。音乐课上情境教学在新课程实施过程中具有举足轻重的作用,创设各种情境,使学生用自己的思维方式积极思考、主动探究、创新学习,才能让音乐课的教学更加的有效,更加的有价值。  著名教育家杜威提出:“为了激发学生的思维,必须有一个实际的经验情境,作为思维的开始阶段。”
设计意图:  爱音乐是每个孩子的天性。无论是物体碰撞发出的声音,还是汽车鸣笛、小动物的叫声,还是各种乐器的声音,他们都会潜意识地去倾听、模仿。每当看到他们听音乐时专注的表情,对音乐显示的热切频繁的身体动作反应,总会深深地感染着我。那是孩子们在感受音乐、理解音乐、表现音乐。他们在唱唱跳跳中受到熏陶,形成活泼开朗的个性;他们在唱唱跳跳中发现美,产生愉悦的心情。课间活动时,我发现很多孩子喜欢边玩玩具边唱