在工业上应用比较广泛的液-液热交换器的尺寸决定是很多工程设计人员所必须面对的。笔者较详细地介绍了‘Heat Exchanger’软件的编制思路和采用的最新的计算方法,并通过具体的例子描述了软件的使用方法。该软件不仅可以选择较经济的热交换尺寸,而且对满足传热要求的在标准内的热交换尺寸从小到大的壳径都列举出来,以作为使用者来选择比较,更准确和经济地选择适合工况的热交换器的尺寸。对有经验的或者刚参加工作的工程人员都是一个很好的工具。
The size determination of liquid-to-liquid heat exchangers, which are widely used in industry, has to be faced by many engineers. The author introduces the concept of “Heat Exchanger” software and the latest calculation method in detail, and describes the use of the software through specific examples. The software not only allows for more economical heat exchange sizes, but also covers all heat exchange sizes within the standard that meet heat transfer requirements as small to large shell diameters for users to choose between, more accurately and economically The size of the heat exchanger for operating conditions. It is a good tool for experienced or just-started engineers.