荷兰的Acordis公司与无锡太基 (Taiji)公司已签订了一项意向书 ,准备建立一家合资企业AcordisTaiji工业纤维公司 ,以便在中国生产和销售工业用聚酯纤维 ,传送带织物和浸渍的帘子布。Acordis将占 6 0 %的股份。该合资企业将接管无锡太基的工业聚
The Dutch company Acordis and Wuxi Taiji have signed a letter of intent to establish a joint venture, AcordisTaiji Industrial Fibers, to manufacture and sell industrial polyester fibers, conveyor belt fabrics and impregnated cord fabrics in China. Acordis will account for 60% of the shares. The joint venture will take over Wuxi Taiji’s industrial cluster