目的 探讨双内直肌后徙术治疗共同性内斜视的适用范围及手术量。方法 对28例共同性内斜视患者行双内直肌后徙术,7例行双内直肌后徙后继发外斜视行再矫正术,并行回顾性分析。结果 对于高AC/A,非屈光性调节性内斜视,看近大于看远15△以上的中等斜度患者适合行双内直肌后徙术,且手术量应保守些。结论 常规量的双内直肌后徙术对中等斜视度,高AC/A内斜视患者矫正效果满意,超常量双内直肌后徙术易致术后过矫。
Objective To investigate the application range and amount of surgical treatment of common esotropia after rectus double rectus. Methods Twenty - eight patients with esotropia were treated with double rectus abdominis retrosiggtion, and 7 cases with double rectus muscle were retrospectively retrospectively analyzed. Results For patients with high AC / A and non-refractive accommodative esotropia, moderately inclined patients who looked at a distance greater than or equal to more than 15 △ were suitable for posterior rectus reinnervation, and the amount of surgery should be conservative. CONCLUSION: Conventional rectus double rectus after rectus surgery is satisfactory for patients with moderate strabismus and high AC / A esotropia.