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在十三届七中全会精神的指导下,正值经济发展第二步战略起步的关键时刻,我省经济学家企业家展望“八五”发展研讨会于1991年2月25~26日在番禺隆重举行。省政府有关部门的领导、经济学家、企业家、新闻单位同志等出席了会议。会议是一次学术报告会,也是一次经验交流会,还是一次信息情报发布会。会议主要就以下问题进行了研讨: 1、展望国内外经济形势,对世界经济格局及我省经济发展和市场趋势作了预测。从世界经济形势来看,中东战争结束后,随着海湾地区的重建,世界经济将通过主要国家经济复苏而呈现一段时间的繁荣,从较长时间看,世界经济趋向于低速但较稳定增长的趋势,这对广东经济发展有利。就港澳地区的经济发展来看,港澳地区原有经济发展模式已走到了尽头,要摆脱困境必须与华南地区合作,加上政府又改变不干预政策,使经济走向进一步国际化,这更加 Under the guidance of the spirit of the 7th Plenary Session of the 13th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC), coinciding with the crucial moment when the second step of economic development started, the economists’ entrepreneurs of our province looked forward to the “Eighth Five-Year Plan” development seminar on February 25 to February 26, Panyu grand. The leaders of provincial government departments, economists, entrepreneurs, journalists and other comrades attended the meeting. The conference is an academic conference, an exchange of experiences or an information intelligence conference. The meeting mainly discussed the following issues: 1. Looking forward to the economic situation at home and abroad, made a forecast of the world economic pattern and the economic development and market trend in our province. Judging from the world economic situation, with the rebuilding of the Gulf region after the Middle East War, the world economy will show some prosperity through the economic recovery of major countries. From a longer period of time, the world economy tends to be at a low speed but with a steady growth Trend, which is beneficial to the economic development of Guangdong. As for the economic development in Hong Kong and Maucao, the original mode of economic development in Hong Kong and Maucao has come to an end. To get out of the dilemma, we must cooperate with southern China. Coupled with the fact that the government has also changed the policy of non-intervention and made the economy more internationalized, this is even more
1987年12月24日至26日,广东省中山县集邮学会在三乡分会举办了一次蘑菇为专题的邮票展。该会香港会员容浩然先生, From December 24 to December 26, 1987, the Philatelic
生态公益林建设是一项社会公益性系统工程,是以为人类创造良好生态环境、保障和促进社会经济可持续发展为目的的森林,是生态环境建设的主要任务和核心内容。 The constructi
作为亚洲国家历史上的第一位女总统,科拉松·阿基诺的家族也同她本人一样越来越被人们所注目。这位科胡昂科家族的第四代后嗣同其家族的关系如何?这个家族对她有什么影响? A