我们无论从战备、还是从平时医疗救治准备, 都需要对核辐射事故医疗救治准备工作进行认真探 讨。 一、医院进行核辐射应急救治准备的必要性 按照总部的统一部署,加强全军的卫勤力量建 设,主要是适应当前复杂多变的国内外形势,应对可 能出现的突发事件。我们作为军内外承担核化医学 应急救治的医院,为更好地履行职能,必须加强对核 辐射事故医疗救治准备工作。
We need to seriously discuss the medical radiation preparedness for nuclear radiation accidents whether we are prepared for combat or prepared for medical treatment in peacetime. I. The need for hospitals to prepare for emergency treatment based on nuclear radiation In accordance with the unified deployment of the headquarters, the construction of military force for the entire army is mainly to adapt to the current complex and changing domestic and international situation and to deal with possible emergencies. As a hospital that takes nuclear medicine as an emergency treatment both inside and outside the military, we must strengthen the preparations for medical treatment of nuclear radiation accidents in order to better perform its functions.