蒲松龄以深切的生活体验、严肃的创作态度 ,博采众长 ,继承前人的成果 ,从而使《聊斋志异》的人物语言“口吻逼肖” ,符合人物的身份、年龄特点 ,又引用方言口语、谚谣典故 ,并善于写出人物语言的变化 ,充分显示出性格化的特征 ,取得了突出的成就
Pu secording to the deep experience of life, serious creative attitude, Bocaizhongzhang, inherited the achievements of predecessors, so that the language of “Strange Tales” portrayal of “language”, in line with the identity of the characters, the age characteristics, and quoted dialect spoken, Proverbs rhyme allusions, and good at writing changes in the language of characters, fully demonstrated the characteristics of personality, has made outstanding achievements