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本文以近几年来网络上出现频率较高的新型ABB构词方式的热门词语为研究对象,首先基于语料统计和人工验证的方式,确定ABB式网络新流行语的实体范围,然后重点探讨它们的语用及修辞特点和功能。通过真实语料的分析,我们逐一探讨了其在指称、陈述、确指、泛指等几方面的语用机制,同时指出ABB网络新流行语体现出的当今网络热词修辞的新倾向——戏仿,并就其功能和文化属性作了简要探讨。 In this paper, the hot words of the new ABB word-forming method, which appear frequently in the network in recent years, are taken as the research object. First, based on corpus statistics and manual verification, the entity scope of the new buzzword in ABB-style network is determined, Use and rhetorical features and functions. Through the analysis of the real corpus, we discuss its pragmatic mechanisms in terms of allegation, statement, confirmation and generalization. At the same time, we point out the new tendencies of rhetoric in today’s network, which are reflected in the new buzzwords in the network of ABB. Imitation, and its function and cultural attributes made a brief discussion.
<正>一、前言 我省独特的重稀土资源是我省,我国稀土的优势,其开采价值已为实践证明并引起国内外稀土工业界的关注。因此,对非钇重稀土钆、铽、镝、钬等的综合利用是我省稀