
来源 :中国教师 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ybws2006
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张汉林,北京市西城区教育研修学院历史教研员,北京市中学历史骨干教师,《中学历史教学参考》特约研究员,全国历史教师教育学会常务理事,教育部普通高中历史课程远程研修核心成员。《中国教师》:与实验版的初中历史课标相比,2011年版课标在诸多方面作了新的厘定,对于课标的变化,广大教师们有什么样的反应?张汉林:历,过也。过,经过,超过。作为历史教师,最不拒绝变化的发生,因为我们懂得变化的必然性与必要性,但我们也不盲目欢呼变化的到来,因为我们懂得变化的曲折性与反复性。按照国际惯例,每隔一定的年限,学科课程标准都要根据学术发展和教育实践进行修订。所谓世易时移,变法宜矣。比如日本的《学习指导要领》(相当于我国的历史课程标准),每十年修订一次。实验版课标 Zhang Hanlin, Xicheng District, Beijing, history and education researcher training history backbone teachers in Beijing middle school history, “Middle School history teaching reference,” a special researcher, the National Institute of history teachers education executive director of the Ministry of education ordinary high school history curriculum distance training core members. “Chinese teachers”: Compared with the experimental version of junior middle school history standard, the 2011 edition of the curriculum standard has made a new determination in many aspects. For the changes of the curriculum standard, what kind of responses do the teachers have? Over, after, over. As a history teacher, we should not refute the occurrence of change because we understand the inevitability and necessity of change. However, we do not blindly applaud the changes because we understand the tortuosity and repetition of change. According to international practice, every certain period of time, subject curriculum standards should be revised according to academic development and educational practice. The so-called world trade, change the law should carry on. Such as Japan’s “Learning Guide” (equivalent to our history curriculum standards), revised every ten years. Experimental version of the standard
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