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经济管理类专业涉及经济金融社会等各个领域,人类的任何活动都和经济活动密切相关,经济管理的研究对象和应用范围覆盖了人类社会的各个方面。经济管理类专业也是我国各大高校在建设成为综合性大学道路上必须加强的学科类别。经管类学生同工科学生相比,专业特性及就业方向都有较大差异。如果培养满足社会需求及学生自身需求的优秀毕业生,是高校经管类专业学生教学研究的重要课题。本文首先介绍了高校经管类专业的教学内容及培养方式,进而根据近年来经管学生的就业现状分析了经管类学生培养存在的问题。最后,结合社会发展趋势及高校经管学生的发展诉求,提出了提升经管学生竞争力的措施建议。 Economics and management major involved in various fields such as economic, financial and social, and any activities of human beings are closely related to economic activities. The research objects and applications of economic management cover all aspects of human society. Economics and management majors are also the major disciplines that universities in our country must strengthen in building a comprehensive university. Economics and management students compared with engineering students, professional characteristics and employment direction are quite different. If we cultivate outstanding graduates to meet the needs of society and students’ own needs, it is an important issue for teaching and researching of students majoring in economics and management in colleges and universities. This paper first introduces the teaching content and training methods of economics and management in colleges and universities, and then analyzes the problems existing in the cultivation of economics and management students based on the employment status of the management students in recent years. Finally, according to the trend of social development and the demands of the development of students under the management of colleges and universities, some measures to enhance the competitiveness of students are put forward.
哈尔滨商业大学现代商务研究中心(Modern Business Research Center of Harbin University of Commerce,以下简称中心),按照教育部《普通高等学校人文社会科学重点基地建设计
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