“天上不有得月亮么,天都不会亮;男人不有得女人么,活都活不成……”。 在“三八国际劳动妇女节”到来之际,云南师范大学的心理学教授李辉到通海县进行女性知识讲座。听完讲座,茅塞顿开,我仿佛重获新生,开始细心体味做女人的滋味:有老公疼爱、有同事关心、有父母和孩子的依赖、有家的依托;有常常被人们赞颂的“伟大母亲”的美差,和众男人称羡的“贤妻良母”的角色;还有每年的“三八妇女节”,以及各种各样的“特殊待遇”,还真是比男人有福份!
“Do not the moon have the sky, the sky will not be bright; men do not have a woman, live not live ... ...”. On March 38 International Women’s Day, Li Hui, a professor of psychology at Yunnan Normal University, came to Tonghai County to give lectures on women’s knowledge. Listen to the lectures, Mao Sidon open, I seem to regain a freshman, began to appreciate the taste of a woman: a husband love, a colleague care, parents and children rely on, rely on the home; often praised by the “great mother” Of the United States, and all the men envy of the “wife and mother” role; and the annual “March Women’s Day”, as well as a variety of “special treatment”, really blessed than men!