我们一行十来人的参展团乘坐东方航空公司从上海起飞的班机,经过一个小时多的航程,降落在偌大的韩国汉城金浦机场。汉城,从地图上看,与上海确是近在咫尺。这座城市,是我们十分向往的地方,她是那么陌生,又有点神秘。 历史渊源 一位很有点学问的朋友对我说,中国同朝鲜半岛山水相依,两国民间的往来和迁移,自古以来非常频繁。据汉书地理志等史书记载,中国人移居朝鲜半
After more than an hour’s flight, our delegation of 10 people aboard the flight taking off from Shanghai by Shanghai Eastern Airlines landed at the huge South Korea Seoul Gimpo Airport. Seoul, from the map, and Shanghai is indeed close at hand. The city, where we are very longing for, she is so strange, a little mysterious. History A very knowledgeable friend told me that China depends on the landscape of the Korean Peninsula and that the frequent contacts and relocations between the two countries have been frequent since ancient times. According to historical records such as geography history of Han records, the Chinese migrate to North Korea and a half