当今世界,如果没有飞机这个交通工具,那是不可想象的。但是,飞机不断失事,也使许多受人喜欢和崇拜的著名运动员难逃厄运。近50年来发生在体坛的空难事故,真是令人触目惊心! 1949年5月4日,意大利足球联赛冠军都灵队在同葡萄牙波尔图队进行友谊赛后,乘飞机返国时,飞机在意大利东北部坠落,42人遇难。 1949年10月28日,法国拳击明星马塞尔因飞机坠毁身亡。 1950年9月,巴西福塔莱萨13名田径运动员死于空难。 1958年2月6日,英国曼彻斯特联盟足球队教练、2名领队和3名球员在空难中身亡。 1958年8月15日,埃及击剑运动员及教练在去美国参赛途中葬身大西洋。 1960年7月16日,丹麦足球队8名球
In today’s world, it is unthinkable without an airplane. However, the plane’s constant calamity also caused many well-known and worshiped famous athletes to escape the bad luck. May 4, 1949, the Italian football league champion Turin in Porto friendly team with Portugal, after returning home by plane, the aircraft crashed in northeastern Italy , 42 people were killed. On October 28, 1949, French boxer Marcel was killed in a plane crash. In September 1950, 13 athletes from Fortaleza, Brazil, died in a plane crash. February 6, 1958, the Manchester United soccer team coach, two team leaders and three players died in the crash. On August 15, 1958, Egyptian fencer and coach made their way to the Atlantic Ocean on their way to the United States. July 16, 1960, the Danish soccer team eight goals