
来源 :工业卫生与职业病 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jerklie198091
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矿井作业面的粉尘与氡子体是危害工人健康的两大重要因素。有效地监测空气中的粉尘与氡子体是工业卫生学者一直关心的课题,而如何有效地同时监测呼吸尘与氡子体更受到人们的关注。介绍了一种同时监测呼吸尘浓度与氡子体α潜能浓度的方法,该方法是将热释光探测元件组装在呼吸尘个体采样器中,使热释光元件受到与呼吸尘一起被采集在滤膜上的氡子体的放射性照射。采样结束后,分别测出滤膜上的粉尘量及热释光探测元件的热释光计数,即可同时得出空气中的呼吸尘浓度和氡子体浓度。对方法的运作方式、应用结果以及误差控制等问题进行了详细介绍和讨论。实践证明,在矿井作业场所中,利用呼吸尘个人采样器实现粉尘浓度和氡子体浓度的同时监测是可行的,可以得出令人满意的结果 Dust and radon progeny of mine working surface are two important factors that endanger the health of workers. Effective monitoring of dust and radon progeny in the air has been a topic of concern to industrial hygiene scholars, and how to effectively monitor both respiratory dust and radon progeny has drawn much attention. A method for simultaneously monitoring the concentration of respiratory dust and the potential concentration of radon progeny is described. The method comprises assembling a pyro-luminescence detection element in a sample of individual respiratory dust so that the thermoluminescent element is collected together with respiratory dust Radiation exposure of radon progeny on filters. After the sampling is finished, the amount of dust on the filter and the thermoluminescence count of the thermoluminescence detection element are respectively measured to obtain the respiratory dust concentration and the concentration of radon in the air at the same time. The method of operation, application results and error control and other issues were introduced and discussed in detail. Practice has proved that in the mine site, the use of personal breath sampler to achieve dust concentration and radon concentration simultaneously monitoring is feasible, you can come to satisfactory results
自1996年以来我们采用Seldinger导管法行心包穿刺负压器引流心包积液45例患者,避免了反复穿刺,可减少因开放引流所引起的感染. 1.对象:本组为1996年以来住院患者采用Seldinge
目的 :探讨分析产妇产后出血的危险因素及护理对策。方法 :选取2010年1月至2014年1月间我院收治的孕产妇750例作为研究对象,对产后出血患者的出血原因进行分析,并采取早期检