随着城市化和老龄化问题的日益严重及人们生活方式的不断变化,据世界卫生组织估算,到2030年,全球死于慢性疾病的人口将会大大增加,占总死亡人口(6 700万)的56%,其中心血管疾病的死亡人数将由2004年的1 710万增至2 340万,而最主要的疾病是缺血性心脏病和脑卒中[1]。为此,本文对长春工业大学教职工2011—2013年体检结果进行分析,以期了解常见慢性病的患病情况和影响因素,为今后制定防
With the increasing urbanization and aging problems and the changing lifestyle of people, the World Health Organization estimates that the number of people dying from chronic diseases in the world will increase dramatically by 2030, accounting for a total death toll of 67 million. Of the 56% of deaths from cardiovascular diseases will be increased from 17.1 million in 2004 to 23.4 million. The most important diseases are ischemic heart disease and stroke [1]. To this end, this paper analyzes the results of the examination conducted by staff of Changchun Polytechnic University from 2011 to 2013 in order to understand the prevalence and influencing factors of common chronic diseases,