南京国民政府将 1930年爆发的康藏纠纷定性为地方性冲突事件 ,反对英国插手干涉 ;把解决康藏纠纷与恢复对藏主权、巩固西部边陲结合起来 ,决定用和平方式谋求纠纷的迅速解决 ,甚至可以做出让步 ;但中央与西藏地方在解决纠纷的程序和方式等问题上分歧较大 ,致使纠纷的核心问题得不到解决 ;这场纠纷中断了中央与西藏地方之间关系改善的进程 ,达赖和班禅的矛盾再次激化 ,康藏社会和经济发展停滞
The Nanjing National Government characterized the Kang-Tibet dispute that broke out in 1930 as an incident of regional conflicts and opposed the intervention by the United Kingdom. It even resolved the issue of settling the dispute between Tibet and Tibet and restoring the sovereignty over Tibet and consolidating the western border by deciding to pursue a peaceful solution to the dispute. But the concessions were made on the issues of procedures and modalities for resolving disputes between the Central Government and the Tibetan areas so that the core issue of the dispute could not be resolved. This dispute interrupted the process of improving the relations between the Central Government and the Tibetan areas, The conflict between Lai and Panchen once again intensified and the social and economic development of Tibet and Tibet stagnated