三、慷慨陈词1976年天安门诗抄 1976年1月8日敬爱的周恩来总理病逝,9日清晨广播这个噩耗惊动了亿万中国百姓,政协直属学习组的老人们自然不能例外。9日上午正好是学习组学习的时间,9时前学习组成员纷纷提前到会,召集人赵朴初、于树德、王芸生、程思远商定,学习会从即日开始,暂时中止批判“三项指示”为纲(实为稍后的“反击右倾翻案风”)的学习内容,改为悼念周恩来总理,并要我和另一位小组秘书向学习办公室报告,这件事就这么决定了。自此至1月15日周总理追悼会,又延至一月下旬,全组二十余人几乎人人发言,追
Third, generous testimony 1976 Tiananmen Poetry January 8, 1976 The beloved Premier Zhou Enlai died of the morning broadcast on the 9th the news alarmed hundreds of millions of Chinese people, the CPPCC directly under the learning group of the elderly naturally can not be an exception. On the morning of the 9th, it was just the time for learning group to study. Before 9 o’clock the members of the learning group arrived in advance. The convenors, Zhao Puchu, Yushu De, Wang Yansheng and Cheng Siyuan agreed that the learning will be temporarily suspended from criticizing the “three directives” as The fact that the contents of the program (actually the “right-wing reversal of the wind reversing the wind”) was replaced by the memory of Premier Chou En-lai and the need for me and another team secretary to report to the study office was decided upon. From then until January 15 Premier Zhou Memorial memorial service, but also extended to late January, the whole group of more than 20 people spoke almost chase