After Singh was premier in 2004, the focus of India’s foreign trade strategy shifted to trade in goods. The trade in goods between India and the GCC countries entered a period of rapid growth followed by an increase in the bilateral trade of goods, but the scale of the deficit was also constantly expanding. In the commodity structure between Indian and GCC merchandise trade, the share of crude oil in the export trade of Indian and GCC goods increased significantly. The importance of petroleum products and jewelry in the import and export trade of Indian and GCC goods rose rapidly. Since India and China have huge differences in the structure of goods exported by the GCC, India’s development of the GCC’s export trade has not yet posed a challenge to our country. In the case of imports of GCC goods, although the crude oil is printed, However, thanks to the changes in the international oil supply and demand structure, the GCC countries can still meet the newly increased demand for oil from the two countries at the same time for a long period of time.