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有人说:“班主任是条扁担,一头担着学校的要求,一头担着学生的心愿。”“要求”的箩筐里有教学任务、纪律、卫生等等。“心愿”的筐里既有学生想要成为有用人的共性,又有个性构成的难调众口。这条扁担常常被压得前起后伏、摇摇颤颤。所以大家常说班主任工作难。但我觉得不管是学校还是学生,共性还是个性,都是既对立又统一的矛盾双方,只要我们能抓住矛盾的统一面,就能做好班主任这条“扁担”。一、从严管理,强化学生的团队意识学校的目标是把学生培养成有用的人,学生来学校的目的也是想让自己成为有用的人,这就是它们的统一面。为了实现这个目 Someone said: “The head teacher is a pole, a head holding the school’s request, one carries the students’ wishes. ” “Requirements ” in the basket there are teaching tasks, discipline, health and so on. “Wish ” in the basket both students want to become useful commonalities, but also difficult to make public personality mouth. The pole is often pushed back and forth, shaking and shaking. So we often say that class teacher hard work. However, I think that both the school and the students, the commonality and the individuality, are both contradictory and contradictory parties. As long as we can grasp the unity of contradictions, we will be able to do a good job of the head teacher. First, the strict management, strengthen the team awareness of students The goal of the school is to develop students into useful people, the purpose of students to school is to make themselves useful, and this is their unity. In order to achieve this goal
当班主任最头痛的莫过于班级学生不听话,屡屡犯事。担任班主任多年,我认为真正不听话的学生是极少数,关键是我们当班主任的能不能走进学生的心灵深处,用我们的情感、智慧和耐心溅起学生心灵的“浪花”——  童心需要爱去感化  10多年前,校领导让我去接任一个全校最乱的班。那是一班小学五年级的学生,当我第一次走进教室时,学生全然不顾我的存在,唱歌的、敲桌子的、嬉笑的、乱扔粉笔头的……一片混乱。经了解,班上有一