团头鲂,又叫武昌鱼,它具有适温范围广、生长快、肉质佳、易捕捞、人工繁殖简便的特点,较受广大消费者欢迎,是一个优良的养殖品种。 2000年作者在安徽省池州市贵池地区杏村渔场利用颗粒饲料驯化主养团头鲂,配养白鲢和花鲢,每 667米 2净产 546.3千克 (其中团头鲂 442千克 )
It is an excellent breed of aquaculture species. It is also known as Wuchang fish. It has the characteristics of wide temperature range, fast growth, good flesh quality, easy fishing and easy artificial propagation. In 2000, Anhui Province, Guichi Prefecture, Anhui Province, the village of apricot village fisheries use of pelleted domesticated head dwarf, with silver carp and silver carp, net yield of 546.3 kg per 667 m 2 (442 kg)