息肉是结肠最常见的良性疾病,其中以腺瘤性息肉居多,且系一种癌前病变。自1982年~1986年12月,我科在做纤维结肠镜时,确诊为结肠息肉者计329例,切除息肉(?)64个,癌变26例,癌变率7.9%。其中男211例,女118例。年龄在2.5~73岁之间。临床症状主要以腹痛、排便习惯改变,间歇性粘液血便,有时解大量血便等。镜下所见:单发息肉264例,占80.2%;多发息肉65例,占19.8%。直径在0.1~5cm 之间,中1cm 以下者293个占50.9%,1~2cm205个占36.4%。切除息肉564个,长蒂126个,
Polyps are the most common benign diseases of the colon, and most of them are adenomatous polyps and are precancerous lesions. From 1982 to December 1986, when our department underwent fiber colonoscopy, 329 cases were diagnosed as colon polyps, 64 polyps were removed, 26 cases were cancerous, and the cancer rate was 7.9%. There were 211 males and 118 females. Age between 2.5 and 73 years old. The clinical symptoms are mainly abdominal pain, changes in bowel habits, intermittent mucoblast, and sometimes a large number of bloody stools. Microscopic findings: 264 cases of single polyps, accounting for 80.2%; 65 cases of polyps, accounting for 19.8%. Diameters ranged from 0.1 to 5 cm. Among 1 cm below, 293 accounted for 50.9% and 1 to 2 cm and 205 accounted for 36.4%. 564 polyps were removed, and 126 were long pedicles.