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信息技术改变了传统的会计核算模式,会计基础工作也要有新标准、新要求,需要进一步系统地、科学地规范。会计基础工作与信息化建设密切相关,相辅相成、相互促进。通过全面推进会计信息化建设,能够进一步提升会计工作水平,促进企业信息化建设健康发展。 Information technology has changed the traditional accounting model, the basic accounting work also have new standards and new requirements, the need for further systematic and scientific norms. The basic work of accounting and information technology are closely related, complement each other and promote each other. Through the overall promotion of accounting information construction, we can further enhance the level of accounting work and promote the healthy development of enterprise information construction.
本文主要就当前形势下的药品采购、出入库管理及相应的账务处理结合实际的工作经验,提出自己的见解,以供参考。 This article mainly on the current situation of drug pro
千古风流一丈屏,半隐半现人间态。联展【特立独行】之石大宇“隐.现”展于2017年9月20日在北京金宝汇家天地DOMUS TIANDI开幕,为本届北京国际设计周拉开序幕。  “隐.现”主题意在探索中国人自古至今关于“隐”的思想与几千年来隐现有度,含蓄中庸,不事张扬的处世哲学。  石大宇以作品表达“隐”不在乎幽居山林,恰是能身居繁华热闹处却不被樊篱,保持心灵的自由。如同他珍视的竹,整片竹林,宁静致远;