仙客来(Cyclamen persicum Mill),又名兔耳花,报春花科,多年生草本花卉。球茎扁球形,基生叶心形,丛生,质厚,有长柄,叶面浓绿色,边缘有锯齿,表面有白斑,叶背紫红色。早春由叶间抽出花梗,花单生于花葶顶端,花萼5裂,花冠5深裂,向背后反折,形似僧帽。花冠多玫瑰红色或白色。仙客来是花、叶兼美的温室盆栽观赏花卉。仙客来原产希腊、叙利亚等地,喜在凉爽的气候和腐殖质丰富的砂壤土中生长,忌高温怕寒冷。夏季气温超过35℃时,易腐烂死亡,冬季在5℃以下,球茎易遭冻害。仙客来繁殖方法较多,但技术要求较高,常见的有种子繁殖、球茎分割、叶插繁殖和组织培养等。
Cyclamen persicum Mill, also known as rabbit ear flowers, primrose, perennial herbaceous flowers. Bulb oblate, basal leaves heart-shaped, tufted, thick, long-handled, foliar dark green, serrated edge, surface white, red dorsal. In early spring, the pedicel is drawn from between the leaves. The flowers are solitary on the top of the scape. The calyx is 5-lobed and the corolla 5-lobed. It folds back to form a monk hat. Corolla multi-rose red or white. Cyclamen flowers, leaves and the United States greenhouse ornamental flowers. Cyclamen origin Greece, Syria and other places, like in a cool climate and humus rich sandy loam soil growth, avoid high temperature afraid of cold. Summer temperatures exceeding 35 ℃, perishable death in winter in 5 ℃ below, corms susceptible to frost damage. Cyclamen breeding more, but the higher technical requirements, the common seed breeding, bulb division, leaf plug propagation and tissue culture.